MMM, Ponzi Schemes And System Failure BY BABA GRUMPY
I was incensed when I read a
news article in December 2016. In the article, the founder of MMM Sergey
(Sergei) Mavrodi said some rude words about the President of Nigeria.
desperately wanted him to physically visit Nigeria & as we say, ‘if dem
born him well’, let him repeat those words so someone can shut his gob. It is
ever so easy to throw insults from a long distance. I reckon a short sharp
encounter with LASTMA will reset his poorly wired mental faculty. Forget all
that strong man front.
10 Things Nigerians Should Know Before Investing In MMM [Must Read]
reading that article, I thought about writing this one on the systemic failure
that allowed the MMM scheme take a strong hold on the Nigerian public. My
intention is not to focus on the specifics of Mavrodi’s comments as I have seen
a robust line-by-line response by a Nigerian leaving in Russia.
have also seen a few articles over the last few weeks comparing the Nigerian
state to a ponzi scheme like MMM. I feel the articles comparing the Nigerian
state to MMM are narrow minded and are potentially aimed at point scoring. If
they are not, they will understand the following:
entire global banking system is a Ponzi scheme. If every single depositor of
ANY bank turned up today to withdraw his or her money, that bank will collapse.
If you disagree or are tempted to argue about this, please be kind enough to
read about fractional reserve banking first.
/ Pension systems everywhere is a Ponzi scheme. It is built on the belief that
many will continue to pay in to allow retirees collect their pension. With
longer life expectancy, low birth rate in many advanced countries, challenging
global economic conditions, the rise / dominance of low wage jobs, those paying
in today will be very lucky to get anything out in the future.
ease with which politicians are able to call upon soldiers to defend the
territorial integrity of any state is the world’s biggest ponzi scheme in my
opinion. What do those soldiers get in return for cleaning up the mess created
by the politicians? Some medal and some fancy parade if they are lucky to
return from the battlefront without loss of life and limbs. What do their
family get in return? Loved ones suffering from PTSD or some incurable trauma
for the rest of their lives. Some return for today’s patriotism.
the possibility of success, happiness, peace, security etc. held out to many by
parents, teachers, religious leaders, politicians, mentors etc. is another huge
ponzi scheme. If you realize that only 1% of the people in the world own as
much as the remaining 99% you will realize that perhaps our teachers etc. have
all sold us some utopian ponzi scheme about life in general.
the narrow minded critics comparing Nigeria and its government to a ponzi
scheme, be reminded that everything you accuse the government of, is backed by
statute / law / regulations and there is often a legal recourse for most
‘government backed ponzi schemes’. For example, there is deposit
protection for your money in the bank if that bank fails. There is a pensions
regulator that potentially ensures your old age money is safe in certain
all of that aside, my biggest issue is the systems failure that ensures these
Ponzi schemes continue to raise their heads and defraud ordinary people of
their life savings. Nigerians have endured a lot. Forum Savings & Loan,
Nospetco, Umana Umana and now MMM. What next? Full return of MMM in January?
Buy a lottery ticket first please.
common thread through all of the Ponzi schemes is a failure of the system. The
financial system, the financial regulation system, financial crime compliance
systems, and in the case of MMM, the failure of the Church and of society in
focus is mostly about the Nigerian financial services industry, its regulator
& those entrusted with enforcing any regulatory penalties. If you discount
the fact that today’s world is far more interconnected than the days when
Forum, Umana Umana and Nospetco reigned, you then wonder why the Nigerian
system allowed MMM take root in the country.
is not as if nobody knew of MMM before they dropped anchor in Nigeria. It is
not as if Mavrodi is an ex – convict and that his new world order otherwise
known as MMM had not caused misery in other countries. It is not as if
nobody has heard of Bernard Madoff before. That respectable former Chairman of
NASDAQ and a well respected member of America’s elite.
Madoff ‘s Ponzi scheme has been branded as the world’s largest. He made
the American investment community look like idiots and its regulators like The
US Security & Exchange Commission look like naïve schoolboys.
am aware that Madoff’s Ponzi scheme is in no way similar to MMM’s scam.
Madoff’s scheme was well disguised. It was disguised as a regulated investment
scheme, a scheme regulated by a government type body. However the regulator
dropped the ball. The sophisticated investors who were charmed and offered ‘too
good to be true’ returns dropped the ball as well. On a slightly positive
note, it appears only half of his victims eventually lost money but America and
the world learnt something from the unraveling of the Madoff Ponzi scheme and
have put in a lot of circuit breakers into the financial services industry to
potentially avoid the recurrence of such a blatant ponzi scheme. One of the
largest banks was sued for enabling (effectively acting as the bank account)
Madoff’s ponzi scheme and lost a lot of money as a result of the court case.
Boiler room schemes (very similar to Ponzi schemes) abound but regulators in
Western Europe and America go to great lengths to monitor these schemes and nip
them in the bud. They are not uninterested and they don’t decide to act when it
is too late.
of the overall changes implemented by banks and regulators worldwide include
what I choose to call, a more hardnosed approach to know your customer. As we
speak, unexplained large deposit sums into personal or business bank accounts
are investigated. Verifiable evidence needs to be provided or the owners of the
bank account are reported to the authorities and their account closed,
sometimes without notice. These actions will not cure all financial crimes, as
bad things will continue to happen as long as there are bad people.
what did we do in Nigeria with MMM? What are we doing? Will the financial
services regulators in Nigeria be bold enough to take enforcement actions
against the religious organizations that promoted the sale / spread of a
financial product without authorization? Are there Civil Society Organizations
or High Profile Human Right lawyers who can sue these religious organizations
for their role in the MMM scheme?
steps did our banks & other financial institutions take when they noticed
that the deposits into the bank account of some of their customers did not
follow a usual pattern? Did they have robust know your customer policies in
place? Did they report these unusual transactions based on the applicable money
laundering regulations and if they did, what did the regulators do with the
reports? These questions can be asked of our financial institutions with
respect to all financial crimes in Nigeria as it appears without the aid of the
financial services infrastructure in Nigeria, theft of communal funds might
reduce significantly.
MMM froze its scheme in Nigeria, the EFCC which is at the apex of our financial
crime fighting infrastructure in Nigeria suggested through its social media /
twitter handle that investigating the MMM scheme wasn’t at the top of its
priority. I think it is wrong for them to think this way. To think that
the MMM scheme was outside of their remit. Yes, there is a view that those that
were scammed were deserving of their fate or were greedy. But the naivety or
greed of the MMM participants does not change the fact that a group of people
(The MMM promoters) perpetrated a financial crime, they contrived to market
& sell a product or service or scheme of a financial nature without the
approval of any of the regulator in the financial services industry and they
succeeded in attracting a large number of Nigerians to their scheme.
took enforcement action and the scheme grew to the extent that 3 million
Nigerians participated. In a country where less than 24 million BVN numbers
have been issued, 3 million participants in a ponzi scheme should be considered
systemically important. These high number / significant number of MMM
participants that should have attracted the interest of all financial services
regulators including the EFCC. It is not enough to say participants were
warned. Anything that threatens the smooth running of the financial services
sector and integrity of investments & investment products should be of
serious interest to the authorities and steps should have been taken to disrupt
the MMM scheme at its infancy.
above is not in anyway absolving participants of their misguided action in
investing in the MMM scheme. Perhaps we shouldn’t shed tears for the ones who
went in with their eyes opened despite the alarm bell type caveats sounded by
the MMM operators. I am however certain that some people only joined the scheme
because Pastor Lagbaja of Kofosi Parish said it was a good scheme at Sunday service. I also believe there are many barely literate or
vulnerable people who couldn’t understand or read the terms and conditions of
the MMM scheme and decided to lunge in head first. They all lost but the
greatest loser is the financial services industry in Nigeria as a few more
people lose faith / trust in the system. The greatest tragedy in my opinion is
that nobody (apparently) is interested in ensuring the MMM promoters meet with
their nemesis in the hands of law enforcement agents.
Baba Grumpy works in Financial Services in the United Kingdom. He blogs mostly about football at His Twitter handle is @BabaGrumpy