Questions such as how can i get
bigger hips in a week?, how can i
make my hips wider fast? are often
asked by ladies. 
This article comprehensively explains how to get bigger hips in week using home remedies and natural methods.

How to Get Bigger Hips

The hourglass figure is something
most ladies dream of and would do
anything to get. Curvaceous figure
with bigger hips is a strong symbol of feminine beauty and a preference of most men.

When it comes to getting bigger hips
in a week, everyone wants to find the
quickest route possible. We are all result oriented and the faster we start seeing changes the more encouraged we usually are to continue.

Women all around the world are trying different methods and techniques to get a sexier look by getting wider and bigger hips. Some even going to the extent of going through hip enlargement surgeries. While these surgeries promise excellent results, they are quite expensive and carry alongside prospect of side effects.

For this reason experts have
recommended natural methods which are quite safer and less expensive.

These natural methods to get bigger
hips fast and getting rid of hip dips
consist basically of a series of
exercises specifically aimed at hip
enlargement and some nutritional
adjustments for the same purpose.
Although some are afraid at the
thought of subjecting themselves to
exercise and get scared off the idea
and hence choosing to opt for dietary changes alone.

However a combination of both are
required for optimum result. With
some proper nutritional education
coupled with a few super charged
booty blasting weekly workouts, you
can really start to see almost instant
results giving you value for your time and effort.

The great thing about these exercises for bigger hips is that they are not just simple but can be done in the comfort of your home without any equipment.

One major factor to consider when
you are about to undergo a routine for hip enlargement is your weight.

If you are fat and overweight at the
moment then the curvy shape you are looking for is hidden just beneath all that layer of fat and you will have to literally chisel out the shape you desire by loosing fat in undesired areas especially around your waistline and getting a flat stomach while trying as much as possible to avoid or minimize any fat loss around your hip area.

If on the other hand you are skinny or underweight then the challenge is not just doing exercises but adding more weight to your hip and thighs region. With the right combinations of healthy food this can be achieved.

While there is no absolutely guaranteed way to get bigger hips fast as results may sometimes even depend on the subject rather than the method, With patience and time, healthy diet and exercises will
eventually pay off.

For a slim lady, getting to add some
meat to your bones might pose a
major challenge.

So before we go ahead to the hip
enlarging exercises let’s quickly go
over some dieting basics you need to know in other to achieve desired success in this case a perfect curvy shape and naturally bigger hips.

Diet to Get Bigger Hips Fast

While trying to increase your hip size by increasing your general body fat level you might want to keep the fat completely off your waistline. All you want is bigger hips not a fat obese behind so watch it. this would mean first of all that all junk food is off the menu and you need to closely keep track of your eating habits.

Recommended Wider Hips Product
From Amazon

Gluteboost Butt Enhancement Kit
Use: For Wider Hips and Bigger Butt
Effectiveness: 100% Natural with no
side effects and permanent result
Price: Little above $100, still
reasonable for product of such quality
Ease of Use: You will not have to
change your diet or exercise in order
to see result
Summary: Gluteboost butt
enhancement kit is a 3 in 1 butt and
hips enhancement supplements. It
contains pills, cream and Maca stack pills which when combined together will give you the bigger hips fast.

It is also important to note that the
result you get from using gluteboost
are permanent Buy Now on Amazon

Eat Healthy Fats to Get Bigger Hips

As we have so far emphasized,
gaining fats is an important part of
your hip building process especially if you were all bones before. However this does not suggest that you go about eating all fatty foods you can find around.

For a nice curvaceous looking hips, all the fats you will be taking in has to be healthy which means all animal fats are off the list. Coconut butter which helps in reducing waist size should be taken in place of regular butter.

Other fats which can help in getting
your desired fat level while keeping
your waist and hips perfectly intact
include coconut butter, olive oil,
avocados, fish oil and nuts.

Carbs for Wider Hips

Allow burning carbohydrates helps
keep insulin level at optimum for
longer increasing gains around the hip region. Eating carbs alongside healthy diet will show fast results.

By eating carbs your body will start to store more fat and hopefully a little more muscle. However you need to put into consideration some other factors like whether or not you want go loose some stomach fat first before going ahead to consuming carbohydrates especially if u are on the obese side initially.

Example of slow digesting
carbohydrates include oats,
wholewheat, grains, fruits, beans and sweet potatoes .e.t.c.

Eat Proteins to Get Bigger Hips

Protein is the primary building block
of the muscles and if your aim is
getting bigger hips taking in adequate amount of protein is a good idea. A good amino acid configuration in tour diet is an important factor to be put into consid
eration as helps in quick absorption and aids directly in muscle building. To get a healthier body fat percentage you should consider adding more protein to your diet.

In this case eating more lean meat is advised but jot the regular fat rich
meat which can make you overweight with high cholesterol levels. fishes such as god is also rich in protein and healthy data. Eggs also are a great source of protein.

Some plant based proteins like soy
are also advisable to be consumed at this time especially for women since they supply photo estrogens that boost estrogen level which help trigger targeted fat storage and enhance your curves.

Best proteins for growing bigger hips
include fish, soy, eggs, milk, diary
products, chicken and nuts.

Eat Green vegetables for Wider Hips

Green leafy vegetables are primary
sources of vitamins and minerals to
the body which are not only vital but
offer q high dose of dietary fibers
which maintains the digestive health
and promotes better absorption of

Including green veggies in your diet in proper amount even if they are not
directly contributing to it is a
necessary pre-condition doe getting
bigger curvier hips.

Exercises for Bigger Hips

As mentioned earlier exercises alone might not do the trick when it comes to hip enlargement. For skinny women especially without any excess fat to push around to that particular part of the body you want then to be your exercises would just be like boring torture.

Also exercises doesn’t definitely
interpret into wild strenuous routines
or long boring days at the gym.

Instead a series of calculated and
properly targeted exercises will most
definitely do the trick for you. For
bigger hips the main muscles you
would be working on are known are
the glutenous maximumus , gluteus.
minimus and gluteus medius alongside the tensor fasciae latae . The exercises we listed in this article target most of these muscle groups at a time and help you get those bigger hips of your dream.

Squats for Wider Hips
Asides increasing hip size, squats are also efficient in toning up your thigh muscles. Squats are reputable for being the best exercise for wider hips. They target your inner and outer hips, promoting muscle growth in those areas.

You can try different types of squats

The dumbbell squats

This involves standing with your feet
slightly wider than your shoulder width while holding the dumbbells down at your sides.

With your palms facing in. Then lower yourself down by bending your knees and stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rise back to the standing position. Keep you abs tight throughout to stabilize your spine.

Split leg squats

To do this type of squats you need to stand in front of a height bench.
Hold a padded body or bar or barbell
across the top of your back then lift
your tight leg behind your body while
placing the top of your right foot flat
on the bench.

Stop when your thighs are parallel to
the floor and rise back up. Repeat for a set of reps and switch sides.

Side Lying Hip Abduction Exercise for Bigger Hips

To perform this exercise, start by
lying on your side on a mat or on the
floor with your legs stretched out
straight away from your body.

You can choose to bend your bend
your lower arms and place it under
your head for support. You should try to align your hips and shoulder
vertically to the floor.

Gently now raise the upper leg off
tour lower leg while keeping your
knees straight and feet in a neutral
position. Continue holding this position until your hips begin to tilt and waist collapses into the other leg on the floor or when you begin to feel tension develop in your lower back.

The next stage known as the
downward phase requires you to
return your legs to the starting
position in a slow controlled manner.
After completing a set you can roll
over and repeat with the other leg.

Do not raise your legs too high
(beyond 45 degrees) as any
movement beyond that point would
involve movement of the entire hip.

Standing Side Abduction Exercise for Wider Hips

This is same as the side lying hip
abduction except that it is done from a standing position. Simply hold on to a wall and grab a dumbbell. Allow the
dumbbell to relax against your outer
thighs and raise that leg. Make sure
you keep your back straight and and
upright while you are at it. This can
also be done using resistance band.

Donkey Kicks Exercise For Bigger

For wider hips another sure exercise
that would definitely yield result is the donkey kick. To do this exercise, get down on all for a fours with knees together. Lift your leg back until your thighs come parallel to the ground.

This way you keep your lead in the
same position and your buttocs are
squeezed together. You cab add ankle weights to make the routine a little Harder and much more effective.

You can repeat this 15-20 times and do the same for the other leg.

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