4 Very Essential Things You Need To Avoid For Healthy Sperm

Men tend to be very confident about their little swimmers and that’s probably because scientifically speaking, a normal healthy male produces a lot of sperm on a daily basis. However, research has shown that as with everything else, eating habits, exercise and rest go a long way to determine how healthy sperm is. Here’s a list of things that should be avoided for healthy sperm.
  1. Intense Cycling Workouts
Sperm is stored in the testicles and they hang low to keep sperm at 35.5556 degrees Celcius. This temperature is slightly cooler than normal body temperature and it’s the ideal temperature needed for sperm to thrive.
Bicycle riding raises them up to the body and this kills the sperm. It’s okay to engage in cycling exercises occasionally, but it’s advisable for a man to find alternative workout routines.
  1. Hot Tubs
A dip in a hot tub could go a long way in relieving stress and relaxing the muscles but it’s dangerous for sperm especially when it’s for an extended period of time. It’s dangerous for the same reason cycling should be avoided or reduced– temperature.
  1. Excess Coffee
In coffee consumption, moderation is key. One or two cups of coffee a day is adequate to give you an energy boost particularly in the mornings. When coffee intake becomes excessive, however, they could affect the health of your sperm.
  1. Antidepressants
Antidepressants usually contain active ingredients called Propecia and Proscar which can reduce male hormonal activity and lead to poor semen quality. It’s important to ask a physician for the effects of any prescribed antidepressant before taking them especially when trying to conceive.
These ingredients are also present hair growth pills so caution is highly adviced.
